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Be turned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2020-08-08Updated:2020-08-08
Similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-on
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1 Tickets may be turned in at the box office.
2 The wheel of history can never be turned back.
3 Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.
4 All documents are to be turned over to the court.
5 The edges of the cloth should be turned in and sewn firmly.
6 In given conditions a bad thing can be turned into a good one.
7 The matter will be turned over to the fact-finding board for decision.
8 Anyone who comes to us will not be turned away.
9 A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up.
10 Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood.
11 When do the library books have to be turned in?
12 Our papers have to be turned in one week before the examination.
13 There are some criminals who cannot be turned loose onto the streets.
14 Anyone who tries to gatecrash will be turned away.
15 Wall[],( if I could only be turned over.
16 Why must beds be turned into confessionals.
17 The main gasoline engine can be turned and its valve gear operates.
18 Under the proposal, the debt will be turned over to a securitization fund, which will sell it at auction.
19 The keys have to be turned in a particular sequence to open the safe.
20 If they didn't pay the rent they could be turned out of the house and have to sleep in a ditch.
21 There is no doubt that the ventilator may be turned off when in fact, the patient is already dead.
22 The government first designated six areas to be turned into HATs, without the tenants being given a say.
23 A story is going about that our town will soon be turned into a city.
24 I brashly announced to the group that NATO needed to be turned around.
25 These trousers are too long; they'll need turning up/to be turned up.
26 In Darcy's Utopia church services of various denominations will exist, and blind eyes will no doubt be turned.
27 All contain the same genes, although different genes will be turned on in the different specialist cells.
28 Dodd designed a factory with an integrated mill in which bushels of durum could be turned into pasta under one roof.
29 It is not some kind of Bunsen Burner that can be turned on and off at will.
30 Every acre of sunflowers produces about half a ton of oil which will be turned into low fat margarine.
More similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-onturned outunturnedoverturnedwell-turnedleave no stone unturnedburnedreturnspurnedburned-outburned outunburnedon the turnin returnreturn tosunburnedturnerreturningtax returntake turnsday returnincome returnreturn code
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